Friday, January 16, 2015

We are registered with the State of California

We are registered with the State of California to Handle E-Waste and Electronic Surplus generated from sources such as Businesses, Schools, Non Profits, Government Agencies and Residences, (DTSC ID #4895). As part of our commitment to responsible recycling, we only partner with eco-friendly businesses. 

ISO14001 compliant reports are available through 0ur E-Stewards Certified downstream partner metech who further separates the items received from us into their core base materials, i.e., glass, plastics, metals etc. so that the used electronics that we have taken the time and effort to sort and separate, get made into new products. This is what recycling is all about.

For more info you can contact us at (831) 440-9051,
or visit

‪#‎California‬ ‪#‎Electronic‬ ‪#‎Waste‬ ‪#‎Recycling‬ ‪#‎EcoFriednly‬

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